# [ cfg ( target_arch = "wasm32" ) ] use wasm_bindgen :: prelude :: * ; # [ cfg ( target_arch = "wasm32" ) ] # [ wasm_bindgen ( typescript_custom_section ) ] const TS_APPEND_CONTENT : & 'static str = "export namespace AddConference {\n                \n            export type Boolean = boolean;\n            export type Float = number;\n            export type Int = number;\n            export type ID = string;\n            export type String = string;\n\n            \n\n            \n\n            \n\n            \n        \n                export namespace AddConference {\n                    \n        \n\n        /** Object to represent a talk */\n        export interface Talks {\n            \n        \n            /**\n* The technical id\n            */\n        \n        id: ID\n    \n        }\n        \n                }\n                \n\n        /** Object to represent a conference */\n        export interface AddConference {\n            \n        \n            /**\n* The technical id\n            */\n        \n        id: ID\n    ,\n\n        \n            /**\n* Name of the conference\n            */\n        \n        name: String\n    ,\n\n        \n            /**\n* City where the conference is held\n            */\n        \n        city: Maybe<String>\n    ,\n\n        \n            /**\n* Talks on the conference agenda\n            */\n        \n        talks: Maybe<Array<AddConference.Talks>>\n    \n        }\n        \n\n            \n            export interface Variables {\n                name: String,\ncity: String\n            }\n            \n\n            export interface ResponseData {\n                \n        \n            /**\n* Add a new conference\n            */\n        \n        addConference: Maybe<AddConference>\n    \n            }\n        \n            }" ; # [ allow ( clippy :: all ) ] pub struct AddConference ; # [ allow ( clippy :: all ) ] pub mod add_conference { # ! [ allow ( dead_code ) ] pub const OPERATION_NAME : & str = "AddConference" ; pub const QUERY : & str = "mutation AddConference($name: String!, $city: String!) {\n    addConference(conference: {\n        name: $name,\n        city: $city\n    }) {\n        id\n        name\n        city\n        talks {\n            id\n        }\n    }\n}" ; use serde :: { Serialize , Deserialize } ; # [ allow ( dead_code ) ] type Boolean = bool ; # [ allow ( dead_code ) ] type Float = f64 ; # [ allow ( dead_code ) ] type Int = i64 ; # [ allow ( dead_code ) ] type ID = String ; # [ derive ( Clone , Debug , Deserialize , PartialEq , Serialize ) ] # [ doc = "Object to represent a talk" ] pub struct AddConferenceAddConferenceTalks { # [ doc = "The technical id" ] pub id : ID , } impl AddConferenceAddConferenceTalks { # [ allow ( unused_variables ) ] fn selection ( variables : & Variables ) -> Vec < :: artemis :: codegen :: FieldSelector > { vec ! [ :: artemis :: codegen :: FieldSelector :: Scalar ( "id" , String :: new ( ) ) ] } } # [ derive ( Clone , Debug , Deserialize , PartialEq , Serialize ) ] # [ doc = "Object to represent a conference" ] pub struct AddConferenceAddConference { # [ doc = "The technical id" ] pub id : ID , # [ doc = "Name of the conference" ] pub name : String , # [ doc = "City where the conference is held" ] pub city : Option < String > , # [ doc = "Talks on the conference agenda" ] pub talks : Option < Vec < AddConferenceAddConferenceTalks > > , } impl AddConferenceAddConference { # [ allow ( unused_variables ) ] fn selection ( variables : & Variables ) -> Vec < :: artemis :: codegen :: FieldSelector > { vec ! [ :: artemis :: codegen :: FieldSelector :: Scalar ( "id" , String :: new ( ) ) , :: artemis :: codegen :: FieldSelector :: Scalar ( "name" , String :: new ( ) ) , :: artemis :: codegen :: FieldSelector :: Scalar ( "city" , String :: new ( ) ) , :: artemis :: codegen :: FieldSelector :: Object ( "talks" , String :: new ( ) , "Talk" , AddConferenceAddConferenceTalks :: selection ( variables ) ) ] } } # [ derive ( Clone , Debug , PartialEq , Serialize ) ] # [ cfg_attr ( target_arch = "wasm32" , derive ( Deserialize ) ) ] pub struct Variables { pub name : String , pub city : String , } impl Variables { } # [ derive ( Clone , Debug , Deserialize , PartialEq , Serialize ) ] pub struct ResponseData { # [ doc = "Add a new conference" ] # [ serde ( rename = "addConference" ) ] pub add_conference : Option < AddConferenceAddConference > , } impl :: artemis :: codegen :: QueryInfo < Variables > for ResponseData { fn selection ( variables : & Variables ) -> Vec < :: artemis :: codegen :: FieldSelector > { vec ! [ :: artemis :: codegen :: FieldSelector :: Object ( "addConference" , format ! ( "({{city:{:?},name:{:?}}})" , variables . city , variables . name ) , "Conference" , AddConferenceAddConference :: selection ( variables ) ) , ] } } } # [ allow ( clippy :: all ) ] impl :: artemis :: GraphQLQuery for AddConference { type Variables = add_conference :: Variables ; type ResponseData = add_conference :: ResponseData ; fn build_query ( variables : Self :: Variables ) -> ( :: artemis :: QueryBody < Self :: Variables > , :: artemis :: exchange :: OperationMeta ) { let meta = :: artemis :: exchange :: OperationMeta { query_key : 1563275365u32 , operation_type : :: artemis :: exchange :: OperationType :: Mutation , involved_types : vec ! [ "Talk" , "Conference" , ] } ; let body = :: artemis :: QueryBody { variables , query : add_conference :: QUERY , operation_name : add_conference :: OPERATION_NAME , } ; ( body , meta ) } }